Splatoon 3 Update 4.0.0 Patch Notes from May 30, 2023

By Alex Carey May 30, 2023

Gaming News

Splatoon 3

A new update has been released for Splatoon 3 Update 4.0.0 You can find out all the details of the Game Update, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC.

Other Fixes

– Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the number of Times Splatted to differ between battle replays and battle stats if a player was splatted right before the end of a battle.

Other Fixes

– Fixed an issue where, if a communication error occurred while fast-forwarding in a battle replay, the subsequent audio would remain fast.

Other Fixes

– Fixed an issue that caused some shoes to not display correctly when placed in a locker. – Fixed some emote icons that made it difficult to determine what the emote was.

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