Students return to school in Bombing-out building with number windowsdoors, desks, chairs or electricity, in A town on the frontline divided by the Assad regime and opposition forces in Tadev, northwest Syria.
Girls carrying pink backpacks play Together with the boys with blue ones in Courtyard of their school in Tadef, about 32 kilometers (20 miles) east of Aleppo city.
Hard hit during Syria more From a ten-year war, Tadev is lying on What turned into a quiet front between the regime forces and the opposition backed by Ankara.
Most of The eight schools in The area done completely destroyed.
But one It reopened this week, to welcome about 300 students from the opposition-controlled opposition area of tweak
In a dark temporary classroom, children Collected for Math class.
“Because of war over of schools in The city It has been destroyed Mathematics teacher Salah al-Khamis told Agence France-Presse (AFP).
Mohammed Al-Aqeel, the mayor of tadf and father of Two, he sent his own children To school in nearby village.
We can only accommodate 300 students out of 3000 said.
TADF Temporary School is one of Many desperate attempts to provide education in besieged northwest Syria where 44% of school age children I dont have access For education, according to the United Nations.
make kids up more From half of The region’s population of more Out of 4 million, the United Nations says.
“hundreds of Schools damaged or destroyed By bombing and so much more children remain out of School” Mark Cutts, Deputy United Nations Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria said.
Students return to school in Bombing-out building with number windowsdoors, desks, chairs or electricity, in A town on the frontline divided by the Assad regime and opposition forces in Tadev, northwest Syria.
Girls carrying pink backpacks play Together with the boys with blue ones in Courtyard of their school in Tadef, about 32 kilometers (20 miles) east of Aleppo city.
Hard hit during Syria more From a ten-year war, Tadev is lying on What turned into a quiet front between the regime forces and the opposition backed by Ankara.
Most of The eight schools in The area done completely destroyed.
But one It reopened this week, to welcome about 300 students from the opposition-controlled opposition area of tweak
In a dark temporary classroom, children Collected for Math class.
“Because of war over of schools in The city It has been destroyed Mathematics teacher Salah al-Khamis told Agence France-Presse (AFP).
Mohammed Al-Aqeel, the mayor of tadf and father of Two, he sent his own children To school in nearby village.
We can only accommodate 300 students out of 3000 said.
TADF Temporary School is one of Many desperate attempts to provide education in besieged northwest Syria where 44% of school age children I dont have access For education, according to the United Nations.
make kids up more From half of The region’s population of more Out of 4 million, the United Nations says.
“hundreds of Schools damaged or destroyed By bombing and so much more children remain out of School” Mark Cutts, Deputy United Nations Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria said.